Friday, June 26, 2009

Days of Boredom: Harassing my Cat

Hey guys,
as you all know i am grounded...what i found out recently is that i am grounded till august 1st. So I is day 3 three and i am already bored out of my mind!! (SOMEBODY SAVE ME!!) I am already tired of the internet to a point,which sucks, and i have an art block.  Well to kill the boredom i kinda messed with my kitty cat, Hunter.

BTW I am on yahoo messaging alot  my email is  help me kill my boredom and say hi to me. <3


  1. A month 0_0

    damn, your dad's a hard ass.

    On a side note, the cat's eyes scare me <_< though s/he is cute.

  2. My dad is a hard ass >.<
    and the cats a boy

  3. Boo yahoo messenger! You should use MSN or AIM! :P

  4. Cute cat. I like the name. That's rough being grounded for a month. I use Yahoo messenger too my Screenname is Kingssidecastle as well but I'm not really on that often anymore. I'll try to log in and say hi. ^_^
