Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No pics in this post, just a rant ^_^'

Oi guys,
It seems people just don't have my sense of humor on some of the blogs i visit.  It seems whenever i say something like "oh no my inner lesbian is showing"  Someone gets mad at me and tells me i have no dignity. I just don't get it, i'm obviously being goofy. I dont't know. :(   What do you guys think? Does poking fun at my sexuality mean i have no dignity or should people lighten up?  


  1. I think part of the problem is that it's hard to tell whither or not someone's joking on the internet without making it blatantly obvious.

  2. true ^_^ i guess i should be more careful

  3. Oh yeah...I'm sorry about that. I knew what you meant in both cases. I think people there are still getting used to a female viewer. ^_^;

    I meant to say something to back you up in the post as well but I took too long in formulating a response. (I was trying to choose my words really carefully since both of them (and you)are friends and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings).

  4. Lol i guess i am a commodity in the anime feet blog. and its ok that you didnt defend me, i understand. I just wish some people would lighten up. (im just glad i didnt annoy you with it)
