Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random foot shots

Hey Guys
I decided to share some information about me. Just so you guys are in the know.
Gracie Fact #1: My Name is Gracie (OMG!!)
Gracie Fact #2: I do not only like woman feet, i do like mens feet, if they are not hairy.
Gracie Fact #3: I am not a lesbian, i do like guys (female toes are just to cute!)
Gracie Fact #4: I an addicted to cute things
Gracie Fact #5 : I wear a size 9 shoe
If anyone has anymore questions feel free to ask


  1. Heh, guess we won't be seeing each other in real life anytime soon. I live in SD,California.

    Alright this proably sounds perverted but whats your age? Don't worry I'm 19 not some 43 year-old pedophildic loser.

  2. im 18 and totally not a 50 year old chinese man

  3. Well, I can see that XD

    Anyways, what are your interests?

  4. Interests? ...*thinks*
    Well I love to cook
    I love acting and the theater ( <3 shakespeare)
    I draw cartoons
    and i walk barefoot everywhere

  5. Shakespeare huh, I like him too (Ceaser was just filled with awesomeness!) What was your favorite play of his?

    You also mentioned you draw cartoons, any foot fetish ones?

  6. Im still practicing toes and feet in my drawings, but yes i do draw foot work, i might post some later on.

    My Favorite Shakespeare? dang thats hard... I am partial to The Merchant of Venice. I love Shylock. lol

  7. It's hard for me to decide my favorite Shakespeare play too. ^_^; Maybe "The Tempest".

    I do have a couple of other questions for both of you.

    What's your favorite Cartoon/Anime?
    Mine right now is probably Naruto. It changes a lot though

    Favorite food?
    I like Steak fajitas (and Mexican food in general). I tend to like really spicy stuff.

    Nice Nail polish in the first picture btw.

  8. Ohh the tempest is a good one!

    Fave Cartoon/ Anime?..... Well I have two
    My favorite non anime is Danny Phantom lol
    My Favorite anime is Full Metal Alchemist

    And as or food I Love a really good fried rice (and Chinese food lol)

  9. Favorite animes/cartoons huh, well I have quite a few so I'm going to split them up into catargories (It's going to be mostly cartoons though)

    My favorite Anime is either Dragon Ball Z or Rouni Kenshin (I hope I spelled that right ^_^;)

    My favorite current cartoon was Avatar the Last Airbender (I loved Suki,Katara,Toph and Azula ^_^)

    My favorite childhood cartoons were Batman:The Animated Series and Ed,Edd n' Eddy

    As for favorite food, I think it's green apples.

    Anyways, here's some questions for both of you guys

    What's your guy's favorite video game genre? Mine's strategy.

    Also, do you guys have/had any anime/cartoon/video game crushes? Mine are Videl(DBZ)/Batgirl(Batman:TAS)/Sabrina and Jaina Proudmore(Pokemon and Warcraft respectfully)

    Here's a question for Grace (If you guys want, you can call me my RL name; Tristan)
    Do you have any other fetishes besides foot fetish?

  10. Oh yeah Videl is hot!!

    My favorite video game genre is probably RPGs. I also like Survival horror game like Resident Evil, fighters like Tekken and Stealth games like Metal Gear.

    Yeah I have a lot of anime crushes. My favorite girls are Ino Yamanaka from Naruto, Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon, Azula from Avatar and Zhalia Moon from Huntik.

    If you guys want you can call me by my birth name Triton too.

  11. Triton huh? interesting name.

    So tell me, what are you video game and cartoon crushes and what do you think of mine?

  12. Video games? I have to say i dont have a favorite genre i love rpgs strategy fighter...almost everything but first person shooters.

    Cartoon crushes? ok i will say all the ones i have had

    Gohan, danny phantom and Goku i loved when i was younger
    Then i Loved Sokka from Avatar. And also....Miroku and Kyo. And last but not least Kaoru from kenshin.

    other fetishes? Bondage and cat ears lol

  13. Wow you have nice feet lol. Thanks for the comments on my blog, and I absolutely LOVE your feet :D

  14. Baaaww thanks boy ^_^ (your feet are win also)
